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Outreach Presentations

Keep your Shoulders Back. Head Up. Sit Up Straight!

pointing at model spine
doctor discuss

lower back pain in the officeRecently, Dr. Nick Fava was given the opportunity to present during the month-long “Transformation Challenge 2024” of a Local Orange Theory gym.

Many know that chronic poor posture will lead to pain, strain and after many years, likely osteoarthritis. That is the physical toll. What many are unaware of the anatomical relationship between the Spine and the Nervous System and how that may affect your functional health. This relationship was demonstrated.

Taking the time for proper warmup and cool down was encouraged as well as the importance of focusing on form/technique while exercising.

Poor ergonomics associated with sitting, sleeping and pronated feet was explained. Possible solutions included ergonomic adjustments, specific exercises as well as supportive shoes and the usefulness of custom foot orthotics.

Finally, Dr. Nick Fava reviewed the “complications” of GOOD posture. These include being more comfortable in your body, getting more out of your exercise routine and helping you to Avoid Injury!


Outreach Presentations Peak Chiro Plus | 905-832-9596